Hi! I'm Autumn.

I like to say that I'm a stay at home mom by day, artist by night. I've had a passion for art ever since I could remember and as a little girl, I was never seen without my nose in a book.

The idea for Fables and Florals started with my bridal shower. My mom threw me a book themed shower. Of course, I DIYed most of the decor and created a floral mural out of old books as the main piece.

I took the idea and ran with it. Why not use old, water damaged, torn books and remake them into flower petals? Why not make whole gardens themed off of a beloved book? And thus, Fables and Florals was born.

I share my life with my husband of almost five years and our children, Emberly and Barrett, outside of Flint, MI. My wish is to spend the rest of my life raising our sweet babies and making beautiful art in my spare time.

  • Flowers

    Each petal is made from any meaningful paper source, including: secondhand books, sheet music, maps, comic books, recipes, paintings, song lyrics, movie scripts, etc.

  • Frames

    All frames are also upcycled, giving a second life to them. This helps the environment by decreasing polution and saving resources from the mass production of new frames and books.

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  • Thank You!

    I greatly appreciate your time in reading about Fables and Florals and myself. Beauty surrounds us...in the flowers we sniff, the turning pages of a book, the art that inspires us. If I can spark joy in what I create then I am content as an artist. Thank YOU for allowing me the chance to spark that joy. I'm forever grateful.